The Constitutional Is Unconstitutional

We the People are allowing ourselves to be conned by the most monstrousand longest running scam in history.

The Constitution was written in 1787 for an Agrarian Slave Society.1TheConstitution held sacred was fatally flawed at its inception. Even its founders were concerned thatgovernment would evolve into tyranny.

Their ominous premonitions have become true. To continue itsoutdated, Supremist concept to govern our digital 21st century world is preposterous and gross derelictionof duty– no different than stubbornly persisting in using a horse and buggy, antiquated 1787 medicalcures or ignoring technology.

As the Constitution is premised on the continuing consent of the governed,when the state no longer protects the rights it was intended to preserve, the consent is vitiated. Whengovernments violate those rights, its citizens have the right to take up arms.

Examples of Fatal Flaws in the Constitution

“More complete analysis of the Unconstitutional Constitution.

1. Pro-Slavery / Crimes against Humanity:

a. The Constitution is a repugnant Supremist, Pro-Slavery, Slavery Protected, Anti-Women’s Rights abomination, created exclusively by Wealthy White Males, many who were slave owners. Thomas Jefferson is reported to rape his slaves and had many children with his under-aged slave, Sally Hemings. So too, James Madison is reported to have a child with his slave. A statute of Jefferson was recently removed from a public N.Y. building.

"Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder who owned over 600 human beings," Adrienne Adams, co-chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, said. "It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing that we sit in the presence of a statue that pays homage to a slaveholder who fundamentally believed that people who look like me were inherently inferior, lacked intelligence, and were not worthy of freedom or right."

Constitution's biggest flaw? Protecting slavery | Berkeley News › 2019/09/17 › constitutions-...

Sep 17, 2019 — It was written in 1787 for an agrarian slave society and is used to govern our digital world of the 21st century. Long ago, in 1819, ...

b.The framers carefully constructed a document to preserve and protect slavery without ever using the word. To make it appear they were making the case for freedom to the world, they did not want to explicitly enshrine their hypocrisy, so hid it. The Constitution protected the “property” of those who enslaved black people, prohibited the federal government from intervening to end importation of enslaved Africans for 20 years, allowed Congress to mobilize the militia to put down insurrections by the enslaved, and forced states that had outlawed slavery to turn over enslaved people who had run away seeking refuge.

The abolitionist Samuel Bryan called out the deceit, saying of the Constitution, “The words are dark and ambiguous; such as no plain man of common sense would have used, [and] are evidently chosen to conceal from Europe, that in this enlightened country, the practice of slavery has its advocates among men in the highest stations.”

c. Far beyond Unconstitutional, the Constitution conspires to Crimes against Humanity under the U.N. Rome Statute as its failure to recognize the rights of women and diversity groups constitutes “Persecution against an Identifiable Group” and “Enslavement.” Its insidious pro-slavery affirmations are a precursor to and no different than Klu Klux Klan crimes.

2. Empowers the Government and Disempowers the People:

The purpose of the Constitution was to Empower and give Powers to the Federal Government and its government employees, limit and restrict the Innate Birthrights of the People, their employers, while deceptively making it appear the “consent of the People to “Protect” Our Rights. The meager “Rights Crumbs” of the People was an afterthought “Amendment” reluctantly devised only because of outrage by the people.

3. Protects the Property of Government, not the People:

The entire premise of the Constitution is meaningless as it does not protect the Individual and Private Property.

a. Article IV specifically protects the property of government by empowering Congress to dispose of and make

b. There is no express intent in the Constitution to provide for protection of private property.

c. There is no explicit statement in the Constitution for the protection of private property.

d. There are no provisions for the enforcement of our innate birthrights. “The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the federal government or the state to let people alone; it does not require the federal government or the state to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order.”

Judge Richard A. Posner, Bowers v. DeVito (1982)

4. The Constitution reeks of sanctimonious complicity:

a. Government over People: James Madison is known as the “Founding Father” of the Constitution as he created the basic framework. He was a staunch opponent of a bill of rights and a proponent of a strong Federal government, thus a brazen advocate of silencing the voice of the People.

b. Special Interest: It is glaringly apparent the Constitution was intended to protect the special interest of and governance by the White, Male Supremists. Black slaves were counted as only three-fifths of a human and not allowed to vote. Women weren’t allowed to vote until 1920.

c. Nonexistent Equality: “Equality” is not mentioned in the Preamble. This is not surprising for a Constitution that explicitly protected the institution of slavery and gave women no rights.

d. It is the product of a Backdoor Deal – “Consent of the Governed” is the Biggest Farce in History: The Constitution was “negotiated” in secret “ex parte” sessions where the participants were sworn to secrecy under the outrageous sham of “being able to speak their opinions” when to the contrary, the secret sessions were the biggest lack of transparency in the history of the country.

e. Staggering Gross Criminal Neglect of Duty. Thomas Jefferson, a hypocrite slave owner was not even present at ex parte Constitution negotiations being an ambassador in Paris. He mailed objections to key parts of the Constitution including its lack of a Bill of Rights, failure of term limits for federal officers and failure to protect civil liberties, writing “our liberty depends on the freedom of the press.” Yet in criminal neglect of duty, the ex parte Constitution machine deliberately failed to provide for its own enforcement, instead outrageously “relying” on the media to act as law enforcement.

As a result we have no law enforcement against government tyrants and a mute media. Jefferson also repeatedly expressed concerns about predictable judicial tyranny:

“You seem to consider the judges the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges … and their power [are] the more dangerous as they are in office for life.., I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves” Letter to Mr. Jarvis, Sept, 1820

“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the centre of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated” Letter to C. Hammond,

“The judiciary of the U.S. is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working underground to undermine our Constitution . I will say, that “against this every man should raise his voice and, more, should uplift his arm …” Letter to Thomas Ritchie, Sept. 1820

Jefferson saw judicial tyranny as the greatest danger to the nation. “ there is no danger I apprehend so much as the consolidation of our government by the noiseless, and therefore unalarming, instrumentality of the Supreme Court.” Letter to William Johnson, Mar. 1823

For judges to usurp the powers of the legislature is unconstitutional judicial tyranny. Letter to Edward Livingston, Mar. 1825

Despite these alarming, red flag warnings, the ominous threat of judicial tyranny was ignored and left unchecked by means of term limits, citizens grand juries and specific law enforcement provisions in gross criminal neglect of duty.

The book, Fears of a Setting Sun, sets forth that virtually all of the founders who lived into the nineteenth century came to feel deep anxiety, disappointment, and even despair about the government and the nation they had helped to create.

Aug 14, 2019 — Our founding ideals of liberty and equality were false when they were written. For generations, black Americans have fought to make them ...

5. The Constitution was illegally ratified, born from intimidation and virtually impossible to Amend:

a. The ratification process violated the Articles of Confederation, the existing governing doctrine that provided it was perpetual and required confirmation by every state legislature to any alteration. Article VII of the Constitution violated these provisions in many ways. It authorized scrapping the “perpetual Union” upon approval of only nine states of the 13 states, upon approval of state conventions rather than state legislatures, and without the agreement of Congress.

b. Holdout states were threatened with economic retaliation and collapse if they did not go along. Rhode Island, the last state to ratify the Constitution, did so only after Congress threatened a trade embargo and a majority of its delegates disobeyed explicit instructions from their constituents. It it is doubtful that the Constitution would have been ratified if Massachusetts had voted “no,” and its “yes” vote was crucially influenced by Governor John Hancock’s endorsement, apparently secured by the promise of leading Federalists to support his candidacy in the next gubernatorial election.

c. The Constitution contrary to logic and free choice, binds subsequent generations to be ruled by our dead ancestors instead of our living representatives.

Although the Constitution overthrew the Articles of Confederation after only 8 short years, it is virtually impossible to amend.

Jefferson believed previous generations could not bind the current generation to pay their debts, or require them to work in their father’s occupation, or to accept the laws and constitution drawn up by their ancestors.

Despite Jefferson’s obvious demand that the Constitution should expire after 19 years and must be renewed if it is not to become “an act of force and not of right” this was not set forth.

In a letter to James Madison he states “The question whether one generation of men has a right to bind another, seems never to have been started either on this or our side of the water… (But) between society and society, or generation and generation there is no municipal obligation, no umpire but the law of nature. We seem not to have perceived that, by the law of nature, one generation is to another as one independent nation to another…on similar ground it may be proved no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation…Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force and not of right.” For more complete details see the Constitution is Unconstitutional.

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